Tailoring Women’s Health – The Role of Personalized Care

In this episode, we will uncover the power of personalized approaches in improving accuracy, efficiency, patient satisfaction, and overall health outcomes for women. From digital resources like apps, websites, and health products designed specifically for women's unique needs, to the vital role that healthcare providers play in delivering personalized care.

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Kat Andrews
Clinical Studies and Their Role in Women's Health

We delve into the world of digital resources and the need for reputable sources when it comes to skincare products and digital apps. Susanne highlights the high expectations we have as consumers, and how disappointment with product results may not always be our fault, but rather the nature of the product itself.

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Kat Andrews
Unpacking Trauma-Informed Care

We explore the impact of trauma on physical and mental well being and shed light on the need for healthcare providers to create safe and supportive environments for patients who have experienced trauma.

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Kat Andrews
The Vital Role of Sleep

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives, influencing our physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Yet, when it comes to women's health, the significance of sleep often goes unnoticed or overlooked.

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Kat Andrews
Benefits of Spring Cleaning for Your Health

We discuss five benefits of spring cleaning, from reducing allergens to improving air quality, physical activity, mental health, and productivity. Plus, we share some health hacks, like checking air quality websites, using HEPA filters, and using activity trackers to add cleaning as a way to move the body.

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Kat Andrews
Mental Health in the Digital Age

Digital mental health care refers to the use of technology, such as websites, apps, and digital devices, to deliver mental health services, support, and resources. This approach to mental health care is becoming increasingly popular due to its accessibility, convenience, and cost-effectiveness.

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Kat Andrews
How Femtech Impacts Women's Health

Technology can play a crucial role in improving women's health by providing access to health information, healthcare services, and health products. From wearables to telemedicine, femtech is revolutionizing the way women approach their health.

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Kat Andrews
Welcome to eHackHerHealth

Welcome to eHackHerHealth, the podcast that provides you with the tools to use the newest digital health technologies to enhance your health and wellbeing. This podcast will feature interviews with experts in the medical, technology and wellness fields and provide an overview of the most up-to-date digital health technologies.

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Kat Andrews